The Dangling Conversation
If life was an interview, Paul Simon couldn't have been more accurate.
I've had my fair share of interviews now, either for a job or for higher studies. When I walk into the room, my general objective is to transform the ensuing dialogue from 'interview mode' to 'conversation mode'. If I can make that happen, I know I've made an impression. This isn't an easy job, mind you, and it's tough to pull it off consistently. After all, it depends a lot on how receptive the panelists are to the entire idea. All it takes is one grumpy interviewer determined to ruin your happiness to make it feel like a third degree interrogation. But in the absence of such characters and especially if the panelists are a pleasant and interested lot, it's upto you to set the mood of the interview, make it feel like an animated conversation.
That's why Iam disappointed with my XLRI experience the other day. Yes, I answered about everything. Yes, I got them to see how two years at their institute were in alignment with my 'long term plans', but the flow was missing, I wasn't completely 'there', the panelists' foreheads were creased most of the time, the conversation was 'dangling'.
The following passage in the interview exemplified this.
Panelist1 : So what do you know about the relationship between China and Taiwan?
Me : Sir, China and Taiwan share an enstranged relationship....Their problem dates back some time to when Chiang Kei Sheik broke away from Mao's Communists....He fled the mainland and landed in Taiwan...umm...this was with the Nationalist Party...the natives of the island, umm...the people who originally lived there, didnt like their growing influence and....rose in resention against this regime. Since then, it has always been in a state of confusion.....umm...To this day, China refuses to see Taiwan as a seperate political..umm..entity.
P1 (amused) : You began by describing the relationship as ...something (looks at P2)
P2 (helpfully) : Enstranged...
P1 : Yes, isn't something wrong there?...
Me : (Gad!) It should have been estranged, sir.
P1 (nodding) : Yes, yes...and you said the natives rose in......?
Me : (Sheesh!) : Resentment, sir.
P1 (smiling) : That's right, but what did you say then?
Me (cornered) : Resention, sir.
A satisfied P1 looks at his colleagues and they share a contented smile after a job well done.
I can only smile back.
Maybe it's because I have a lot riding on this interview. Maybe it's because the topics of discussion never entered my comfort zone. Maybe it's because I was forced to come up with globe so many times. Whatever, I didn't feel too comfortable during the interview, especially in the beginning. The words came out faster than my thoughts did and I wasnt as coherent as I know I can be.
Anyways, the bottomline being,
Do I think I could have done better?
Most definitely!
Do I think I've done well enough to get an admit?
The jury's still out on that one.
For anyone who's interested, you can find the verbatim account here.
Thanks! :-)...and well, I felt ensnared alright in there :-|
hmmm..and you do seem to give me stiff competition in terms of number of top b-school interviews attended :-)
"i remember..they made me sit on an extra greased swivel chair so that even when i turned my head to answer a question..the darn thing would start moving also. it was incredibly difficult to keep the chair still. thankfully the interview was short & merciful ;)"
this would be perfect for the category "excuses given by sore losers for messing up an interview"
seriously grow up..
ohhh.. did they bring in a mechanic to greas it
and China and Taiwan.. what the hell does that have to do with management??? the outsourcing ??
did they also ask u to give u an accurate value of the number of snake charmers in
Abhishek Krishnan
Dont mind him, Q...he's the ...umm, quintessential flame-baiter, but with a heart of gold...;-)
@Abhi, in response to your question, I guess it's a case of 'what do you ask people of management, who management do not know' :-)
whats up man..
i dont think management is rocket science.. in fact it isnt as quantitative as engineering.
You better know how to talk the thats what i have observed over here. talking ..donuts...talking..lunch.. talking..ohh ..time to go
jonas .. is that y ur desperate to into management!!
By the way.. is there a difference in studying management and obtaining a management position versus you taking a project management position now?
OK, Iam assuming this is Abhishek again :-)...
Yup, management isn't rocket science, in fact, nothing apart from rocket science is.. ;-)...and let's assume it IS about talking the talk, do you think I fit the bill? ;-)
And yup, I think there's a big difference between the two, which I dont think I can elucidate on as a reply to a comment...
yeah man.. of course u do...
one of the 10 reasons you know that your managament quality-
"When u use words like assume and ELUCIDATE "
you know, if i dint know u in person i would have assumed you were some guy from
so r u still trying for schools or is the season over??
ill probably see u on TV at a press conference in couple of years.. for TCS???..ill be like waht are the odds!!!!
Abhishek Krishnan
I'll take all that as a compliment.. ;-)
And yes, I got the admit! the season ends for me.. :-)
Will u write a book now...
title..."My MBA TOIL"
Congrats man.. i can truly say u have earned it!!!
Abhishek Krishnan
Hi abhishek krishnan..Im from the same tutorials for as yours..I thinks I saw the other day durin our entrance exam...are u by any chnce from christ college?
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